Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing
Angelic Alchemy Deepest Healing With Sacred Symbols.
Service Description
Our Angels have heard our cries and they have answered our call. They are our beloved Guardians hosting this Universal planet with you in it. You have agreed upon your personal sovereignty for all life. We have the ability to surrender to heal with the technique that is called R.A.A.H. by incorporating practices of the Angelic Alchemy deepest healing. Through the art of Angelic Alchemy, we may identify negative entries on the body as attachments. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient sacred alchemy symbols. A R.A.A.H. session can take up to one hour and a half. We can remotely have the session through the application called Zoom. Upon, booking a session you will receive the following link: 13 Ways to Prepare for an RAAH. Reiki Angelic Alchemy is a term given to the practice which integrates the use of ancient and sacred alchemy symbols. It is used to create the most deeper connection to higher realms during performing the healings. A detailed body scan will be performed on you. Your Higher Self sees fit and allows by balancing your chakras and energies by cleansing, cutting & transmuting negative cords, negative implants, hooks, and portals. The portals may be from past lifetimes, immunizations shots, entity attachments, and negative psychic attacks. You will be aid by removing entities, healing energy blockages, dense auric fields, and will expand your spiritual gifts. All kinds of people and ages can benefit from a RAAH session. We have increased by opening the benefits including all animals, our pets, the land and especially our children. Our children are being invaded with all of these radical immunizations shots. We can activate something within our families, friends, and partners with a RAAH session. We can all benefit from creating an intention to heal because there is no time and space from our true life's purpose. There are many kinds of dis-ease, ailments and dense stagnations due to what we call dead energies. These negative energies are causing imbalances and blockages that we have created within ourselves. Our body tries to speak to us through the following signs: Cancer, implying unexpressed emotions turning into anger. Diabetes, childhood lack of sweetness or lack of love in your life. Arthritis, holding on to something or someone very tightly and not releasing. Throat Disorder, not speaking your truth, fear of speaking out and stuffed with false light.
Contact Details
Miami, FL, USA