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Red-orange fire color is a gentle soothing crystal, Red Jasper works slowly to ground anyone overly sensitive to crystalline energy. Native Americans consider Red Jasper full of grounding Earth Energy with our earth. Red Jasper is very encouraging, and aids in resolving difficult situations. It can also be used to ground and stabilize the Affirmation: “I am open to all that is around me and all that is within me.” Powerful in crystal to cleanse and heal. Empowered by going to take back your will because we are free in liberation. We have the ability to remember who we are and what is our purpose. Re-Member your empowerment, bringing strength to resist emotional domination by others, and the courage to overcome violence. It is my recommendation to use and work with this Crystal stone in your way to recovery. Extremely strong in grounding vibration towards lower three chakras deep emotional-spiritual grounding. strength and improving your vital life force. It is useful for restoring, regenerating and rejuvenating your passion and libido. As it is a stone of fertility, red jasper supports healthy pregnancies and childbirth. Use this stone when healing blood-related diseases or imbalance. All-natural stones vary slightly in size, weight, shape, color, appearance and are approximately one inch. Astrological signs: Scorpio Leo, Virgo, and Aries Element are Fire Reiki Energy charged to clear out blockages that we pick up daily. These authentic crystals are infused with Reiki Energy to clear out blockages and is blessed by clearing, cleansed and Reiki infused by a Usui Reiki I, Reiki II, Reiki Master/Teachers, and Archangels and Angel Reiki. All-natural crystal stones vary slightly in weight & color appearance. Size is approximately 1 to 1.5 inches and Genuine Sterling Silver. © We’re opening to deeper attunements & new kinds of information. This assists the lightworkers & all advanced souls who have answered the clear call.

ReikiMiAlma Universal Galactic Regression Practitioner, 

ReikiMiAlma Universal Trinity Healing Practitioner,  

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner (Dolores Cannon), 

Universal Astrological Cosmic Starseeds Origin, 

Akashic Records, 

Usui Reiki I, Reiki II & Reiki Master/Teacher, 

Angel Reiki Master Attunement

Angelic Universal Regression Alchemy Practitioner, 

Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing Practitioner, 

Reiki Kundalini Master Practitioner, 

Crystal Energy Intuitive Healer Activator, 

Sacred Flames Igniter Practitioner, 

Universal Starseed Galactic Brithchart

Universal Starseed Galactic Origin 

Essential Oils & Botanical Herbalists, Photographer Healer & Instructor. &

Heart Red Jasper ReikiMiAlma Crystal Necklace

SKU: 632835642834572
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